“Since the inception of ADQ in 2018, the world has witnessed substantial change. One thing that has remained constant is our mandate and the promise that underpins it: to make investments that deliver sustainable growth and drive Abu Dhabi’s economic resilience for future generations.
Looking back on the earlier years, the year 2020 stands out as one that shaped ADQ’s long-term direction. From a developmental holding company, we stepped into the role of a dynamic organization trusted to execute critical policy mandates and work towards increasing self-sufficiency, which is a key building block of economic resilience.
Today, we are a portfolio manager, a global investor and a go-to partner for the Government of Abu Dhabi. Through our focused portfolio of assets, which operate in key sectors of our transforming economy and are the beating heart of ADQ, we provide the fundamentals of life and business to a growing population in an increasingly sustainable manner.
This includes the creation of a world-class healthcare and pharmaceutical sector, increased efficiency and resilience in food supply, progressing the energy transition and the UAE’s decarbonization journey, and taking the standing of the Emirate as a global connectivity hub to new heights, all the while making a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.
ADQ is a comparatively young organization and was created with a focus on non-oil revenue streams. To a large extent, it is these features that have allowed us to assume a role in the economic diversification and the net zero ambitions of our Emirate and the nation after only half a decade. It is within our power as ADQ to shape tangible and increasingly sustainable outcomes, as demonstrated in our contributions to non-oil GDP, which amounted to 22 percent in 2022.
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the wise leadership of the UAE for bestowing upon me the trust to deliver ADQ’s mandate towards the realization of the vision of our Founding Father. ADQ’s accomplishments to date would not have been possible without the steadfast support of our Chairman, His Highness Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al Nahyan, whose visionary leadership over the past five years has guided our growth.
I look ahead with optimism, pledging to retain ADQ on its successful path that allows us to make contributions to a prosperous, thriving UAE that can measure up to the foremost nations in the world.”